How to Follow a Hashtag on Twitter? Here’s All Updates in 2023

How to Follow a Hashtag on Twitter
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How to follow a hashtag on Twitter: you must learn or know about this. Information is an invaluable resource, no one can deny that. As time goes by, it’s getting easier and easier to access it, to all sorts of things. That’s why it’s time to talk about how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

If you are a Twitter user and want to scroll through your newsfeed, then see what the people post and share. Or, if you are new to Twitter, you should know how to Follow a Twitter Hashtag.

Our grandparents turned to libraries, newspapers, and radio and television news programs to find out what was happening in the world around them. Both locally and globally. But this information was limited and unproductive. Library books were not always up to date and new books were rarely published, so they were only useful for more general information.

Newspapers and news programs on television and radio were somewhat more common. However, they came out at specific times. Even if they came out several times a day like radio or TV news. You can always sneak in something that wasn’t that important at the time it was printed or broadcast. However, today it is very easy to access information, at any time of the day and on a wide range of topics. Especially on Twitter.

About Twitter

It will be hard for you if you don’t know how to follow a hashtag on Twitter because this is a very important part to get updated.

Twitter is a service of microblogging and social networking. On Twitter, users post and share messages called “tweets”. Registered users can log in here and can post. Also, they can tag and retweet tweets. Unregistered users can only read the messages on Twitter. Users access Twitter through a web interface or a mobile device application (app), although the service is also available via SMS until April 2020. The service is provided by Twitter, Inc. based in San Francisco, California, with more than 25 offices worldwide. Initially, tweets were limited to 140 characters, but in November 2017 the limit was doubled to 280 for languages other than Japanese. Audio and video tweets are still limited to 140 seconds for most accounts. If you want to use Twitter, then you must know how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Beez Stone, and Evan Williams founded Twitter in March 2006. This social platform was launched in July of that year. Over 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day in 2012.

Why are hashtags important on Twitter?

Hashtags are a combination of keywords or phrases preceded by this # symbol, without spaces or punctuation. For example, if you put a # in front of the word “social media”, you will get the hashtag #socialmedia and must know how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

People use hashtags to group tweets and conversations on similar topics. Therefore, people can get and track what they are interested in. If someone clicks or searches for a particular hashtag, they can find all the profiles and public posts that use that hashtag. For example, if I search for #homecooking, I can see many posts about cooking at home.

Hashtags essentially allow your content to be searched and grouped into relevant topics. If you use hashtags to participate in topics such as industry discussions or Twitter trends, your content will appear in search results for that hashtag. You can make yourself visible to a wider audience outside of your group and increase the discoverability and reach of your content. Above all, you need to know how to follow a hashtag on Twitter so that you could not miss anything about your interesting topic.

How to follow a hashtag on Twitter and its use for your brand?

The key to hashtags on Twitter is to use them correctly, not to use them blindly, and hope for the best. This is true for those who maintain branded social media pages or accounts because marketing hashtags need a calculated approach properly.

1. Tweet about events and conferences

Use Twitter hashtags to participate in discussions about popular events (#Oscars) and industry conferences (#SocialMediaWeek). If your brand is engaged in an event, you can use the hashtags to share information about your contribution.

2. Celebrate holidays and important days

Use Twitter hashtags when celebrating a national (#Thanksgiving) or global (#EarthDay) holiday with your community. In addition to major and significant holidays, you can also help celebrate lesser-known holidays, such as National Pancake Day or National Emoji Day. Be sure to use holidays that are directly related to your product.

3. To establish the link with pop culture trends

Twitter is a hub for conversation, especially on pop culture topics. So if you decide to participate in these conversations, using a hashtag relevant to the topic will help get your tweet seen. So, if you want to establish the link with pop culture trends you must learn about how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

For example, check out how Wendy’s official tweet uses the #ACNH hashtag for Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the following tweet.

Remember that your brand doesn’t need to be on every pop culture topic. Social media crises can also happen when you think your tweet fits the topic. Be sure you get the topic before you post or share.

4. Take part in the weekly trend or challenge

Weekly tasks and trends such as #ThrowbackThursday, #MondayMotivation are among the most important hashtags on Twitter. So if you choose to take part in these tasks, shouldn’t forget to use the corresponding hashtags.

5. Participate in the debate on relevant topics

A relevant hashtag can assist you to be more visible to an interested audience, if you post about general topics — #nature, #marketing, etc.

For example, note the use of the hashtags #ethicalfashion and #sustainablefashion in the following tweet from British brand Pretty Polly. With these general interest topics, they have expanded their audience beyond the local market.

When should hashtags be used on Twitter?

You can use a hashtag if you refer to a specific topic. For example, you can use hashtags for:

  • Events: #TrumpUKVisit, #Wimbledon, #CMIWorld
  • Places: #New York, #London
  • Topics: #ThursdayThoughts
  • Stuff: #coffee, #computers, #cars
  • Verbs: #golf, #cooking, #writing
  • Industry terms: social media, photography, technology

You will also see hashtags used for Twitter chats, e.g. #QChat, #SEMRushChat.

Moreover, you have to practice using a hashtag before you get knowledge on How to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

How to follow a hashtag on Twitter?

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn’t make it as easy as LinkedIn, for example, but it is possible.

There are 3 tips on how to follow a hashtag on Twitter:

  • Inside Twitter
  • Using Tweetdeck
  • Use of external web applications

Option 1: Follow Twitter hashtags with the browser

Opens the Twitter home page, which is usually the default page. Search for the hashtag in the search bar on the top right (enter the hashtag in the search query).

When you are on the search return page, bookmark it in your browser. Click on the tab when you want to see what is happening with that hashtag.

This method is a crude but simple way on How to follow a hashtag on Twitter, and it works.

The only drawback is that it is not very dynamic. If you follow your name or company, it works fine because the hashtag doesn’t change much. However, if you follow changing hashtags or trending topics, you have to repeat this process for each one.

Option 2: Following hashtags on Twitter

In addition to your browser’s bookmarks, you can save the hashtag on Twitter to find it more quickly.

  1. Look for a word in the upper right corner of the home page. Don’t forget to include the hashtag.
  2. Press Enter to open the Twitter search results.
  3. Click on the horizontal ellipse (three horizontal dots) next to the search bar to see more options.
  4. Click “Save search” to add the hashtag to the search list.
  5. To check recent posts for saved hashtags, select one from the list in the search bar.
Option 3: Use Tweetdeck to know How to follow a hashtag on Twitter

Tweetdeck was a standalone application that was later acquired by Twitter. It makes working with Twitter easier and more customizable, from the hashtags you follow to viewing the accounts you care about most. Tweetdeck makes it simple and efficient. It puts all your interests at your fingertips on a single screen. Learn how to use the app here.

  1. Open and log in to your Twitter account.
  2. In the “Trending” column, you will see a list of current search terms and hashtags that you can view.
  3. To create a custom hashtags column, click on the “+” symbol in the vertical menu on the far left.
  4. Select “Search” from the menu that appears.
  5. Enter the hashtag in the search field that appears and select it from the list or press “Enter”.
  6. To view the search results, scroll sideways on the right side of the interface.
  7. To move the column to the left or right, click on the “three vertical lines” icon in the upper left corner of the search column. Then, move it to the right or left to get the position you want.
Use third-party websites to find how to follow a hashtag on Twitter

There are hundreds of third-party websites you can use to track hashtags, as well as other interesting tools. Some are free, some are paid. Here are four that are worth checking out.

  • The case of Twitter
  • Marker
  • Talkwalker
  • Twubs

Many other hashtag trackers and Twitter tools come and go, but these four are still active at the time of writing.

If you want to understand the topic of how to follow a hashtag on Twitter, you have to follow 4 different ways to do so. This list is suitable for everyone from individuals who want to follow a keyword to businesses that want to manage their social media presence.


Hashtagify is a great tool for finding popular and trending hashtags. It allows you to discover the best hashtags to reach your audience, gives you personalized suggestions, and helps you find influencers and competitors.

Enter the hashtag you want to use. For example, let’s stop at #WorldCup:

And you will see the results:

  • Popularity = 79.5
  • Current popularity = 83.8
  • Trend for the month = +31
  • Weekly trend = -3%

Below these results, suggestions for related hashtags are displayed:

Hashtagify also informs you about the main influencers associated with your hashtag:

Other useful information relates to the countries and languages in which the hashtag is most used, which is useful for geographically specific posts. In addition, there is a tweet wall that shows recent tweets containing the hashtag.

Premium plans offer more features and data, such as an expanded list of top influencers, suggested hashtags for your posts, and the ability to bookmark your favorite hashtags.

Trend map

Trendsmap shows the latest Twitter trends for any location in the world. Click on a word or hashtag on the map and get results for that location.

For example, if you click on the word “rescued” in Canada, you will get Calgary Trend’s results on the heroic rescue from a cave in Thailand:

Scroll the map to Great Britain and click #WorldCup to see all the latest tweets about the World Cup taking place in Russia:

With Trendsmap, you can see how trending topics are reacted to and discussed in different regions.  You can create messages that are more likely to be discovered by your target audience with this data.

How to follow a hashtag on Twitter through the Explore tab?

Step 1: Follow accounts that post the same hashtags you want to follow.

Step 2: To follow accounts that post a certain hashtag, log in to the techidea control panel.

In the Techidea control panel, select “Track” -> “Search by hashtag/keyword”.

Step 3: Enter the hashtag you want to follow and follow accounts that post tweets with that hashtag.

Follow at least 20-25 accounts so that Twitter notices similarities among your followers. Also, avoid following aggressively, as this is a violation of Twitter rules.

Step 4: Through the Techidea control panel, you can also use the power grid, search to find specific keywords in real-time.

You can also follow only verified accounts using a filter.

Step 5: When you have completed all the steps, wait a few days and check the Explore tab again.

You will see the updated hashtags in the Explore tab when you learn about how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

This process is more cumbersome than the first, but it allows you to access all of your favorite hashtags on a single page instead of searching for them individually.

Hashtags on Twitter: use and monitoring

The use of hashtags on Twitter makes it an excellent source of information and news in general, as it is easy to check and share what is happening. Do you want to know how to follow a hashtag on Twitter and also want to always be up to date? Then, you are certainly in the right place. Here you will find and learn all the details and updates. But, be careful and check your sources of information. Many people have started to exploit the short attention span of Internet users, especially social media users, by sensationalizing and even distorting information through clickbait headlines and other methods.

Take your time to look at the links. For example, if it’s the BBC, you can be sure the information is reliable, but if it’s something like or similar, you have to do some research to see if they’re legit. For example, is listed in the Wikipedia article “List of fake news sites”. Not all information should be taken at face value, especially on the Internet, and it is important that false information does not spread and cause harm.

Final considerations

Twitter – and all social networks in general – is like its own search engine, as hashtags act as keywords for which content is ranked. You wouldn’t include a website or blog post without SEO, so you shouldn’t tweet without maximizing your reach either. Carefully select the Twitter hashtags that best suit your brand and then include one or two in your tweet. Because you always desire to take your branding hashtag to success. So, before you start that, you must learn about how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

This way, you’ll draw more attention to your content without resorting to spammy tactics and get updated about how to follow a hashtag on Twitter.

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